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Having a variety of liquid painting systems, VML is able to create, reproduce or replicate most finishes.


Manual and automated spray painting capabilities. Automated systems include rotary and linear spray processes. Can be used in conjunction with our vacuum metalizing process to produce highly reflective finishes.

Plastic spray paint lids metalized prior to recieving sprayed liquid topcoat in various colors. Vacuum Metallizing Limited jpg

Rotary Spray:

Coating applied using an automatic spray gun while parts are rotated.

Appropriate for relatively small parts having a convenient axis of rotation.

Automated Linear Spray:

Ideal for long or flat parts (e.g. appliance bezels).

Glass nail polish bottles spray painted in various metallic finishes. Plastic caps metallized and colored gold jpg

Manual Spray:

Coating applied by hand using a spray gun.

Appropriate for larger parts or parts requiring custom film builds.

Manual spray painting of large, custom-made fiberglass light reflector in metal-based paint. Vacuum Metallizing Limited png


  • Paint is washed over parts producing a clean, uniform, glossy film.
  • Automated handling of parts and recycling of paint results in lower unit costs as compared to spray painting.
  • Appropriate for parts having complex geometries.
  • Used to apply translucent base coats and top coats in the metalizing process.


  • Used in conjunction with our metalizing process, dye dipping produces brilliant, colored-metallic finishes.
  • Capable of producing finishes simulating the appearance of electroplated gold, brass, bronze, chrome, copper, etc.
  • Process appropriate for asymmetric components or parts having complex geometries.


VML's spray painting processes provide a wide range of standard and custom finishes. We can match a customer-supplied finish or combine process and coatings to achieve various visual and aesthetic effects. Able to coat all metals and most plastics.


Metallic Paint

Glass nail polish bottles bottles recieve white and grey liquid topcoat that dreis with a textured finish. Vacuum Metallizing Limited jpg
Glass nail polish bottles spray painted with liquid paint that resemble gold and silver metals when cured.



Plastic caps recieve a matte liquid painted topcoat in orange green and white. Vacuum Metallizing Limited jpg
Glass bottles painted in various metallic and pearlescent finishes. Copper with red/green, purple with orange/green, silver with green. VML jpg

Multicolor / Stone

Metallic Flake

Plastic caps spray painted in high-texture, multicolor, stone finish. white pink and blue, white and grey, blue with metal flakes. VML jpg
Plastic caps painted with black base-coat and various metal flake topcoats, including silver, green, and red and blue multicolor. VML jpg

Veil / Spatter

Opaque + Metalized

Plastic caps painted with opaque base-coat and various veil/spatter top-coats, including black, white, orange/red, gold, purple/blue . VML jpg
Glass bottles spray painted in light and dark silver, blue, piurple and red metallic finishes. Plastic caps metallized and colored gold. VML jpg



Plastic fishing lure metallized spray painted pink. The reflective finish of metalizing is ideal for spoons, spinners and other lures. VML jpg
Glass nail polish and perfume bottles painted to have a semi-transparent finish, providing UV protection. Vacuum Metallizing Limited jpg


Painted glass nail polish bottle with black soft-touch paint finish. Vacuum Metallizing Lmited jpg


Updated 2017